Thursday 12 August 2010

Photo Enlargement from old photographs

Many of us have old photographs of loved ones and of times that existed before we where even born. Old photographs can make fantastic gifts and should be cherished, many people do not realise the potential with old photographs and they are often left tucked in a draw or an old photo album.

Old photographs can now be given a new lease of life with many companies offering high quality photo enlargement services. With todays technology photographs older than 100 years old can still be printed and enlarged with amazing results. High quality scanning technology means that photographs can be scanned at incredibly high quality with a very high dpi. Dpi is the number of dots per inch, the higher the scanner resolution the better quality the enlargement will be.

Many of the top photographic enlargement companies will offer a high resolution scanning service and will advise you on the quality of the image.Once the image has been scanned and a digital version has been created photo restoration can then take place.

A digital artist or photoshop technician can then get to work to improve and enhance your old photograph before it is printed. Photo restoration can be a simple 10 minute job or can take many hours of skilled work depending on the damage to the image.

Dust and scratches can be removed from the photograph, Colour can be restored in some cases and and any damage to the image can generally be improved and repaired. Many people are often very surprised after an image has undergone extensive photo restoration as images can look almost brand new after the work has been done.

Always check if you are paying for photo restoration that you will be sent the edited file after you have paid for it, that ay you can then have it printed as many times as you would like. Some photographers offering this service will just offer to print it for you and charge excessive amounts.

After your image has been restored to all its glory it is then your decision to select the media at to what you would like the image printed onto. Photo enlargement can be printed onto high quality photo papers such as glossy or satin paper or it can be printed onto new media such as canvas or acrylic.

Canvas printing has become very affordable over recent years but there is one ting that needs to be taken into consideration before having the image printed. Canvas prints should always be done with pigment inks, this is because pigment inks will not fade in the sunlight and the photo on canvas will last for upto 125 years. After-all if your old photograph has survived for decades it is only right that your new photo enlargement should last just as long if not longer.

Acrylic prints are the newest in contemporary printing. Acrylic prints and acrylic frames can take many different forms but the most popular method is with acrylic sandwich frames. This is where your image is printed onto high quality photographic media and the sandwiched between two diamond edge polished sheets or 5mm acrylic. The acrylic panels are then held together with chrome standoffs.

If you are looking for a high quality photo enlargement service and looking to enlarge your old photographs then take a look at They specialise in all types of photo enlargement including photo printing, photo restoration, photos on canvas and acrylic prints.

1 comment:

  1. Designs for printing material that are usually made for old photographs.

    Acrylic photo printing
